Full spectrum CBD vs broad spectrum CBD vs CBD isolate

Full Spectrum CBD vs Broad Spectrum CBD vs CBD Isolate

CBD, or Cannabidiol, is often consumed for its powerful therapeutic effects. There are many hurdles to learn about CBD, one common one is what each different CBD type means and how to choose which one is right for you.

CBD can be taken in many forms, including full-spectrum CBD, broad-spectrum CBD, and CBD isolate. All of these have benefits to your overall wellness but the reason for your choice depends mainly on the goal you are looking to achieve.

In this article, we will clear up some of those term’s meanings and discuss the differences between full-spectrum CBD vs broad-spectrum CBD vs CBD isolate.

What are the Differences Between Full Spectrum CBD, Broad Spectrum CBD, and CBD Isolate?

The differences between Full Spectrum CBD, Broad Spectrum CBD, and CBD Isolate are many. Most importantly, full-spectrum contains THC whereas broad-spectrum and CBD Isolate are THC-free.

Another important difference is that full-spectrum CBD and broad-spectrum CBD also contain numerous other cannabinoids and terpenes in addition to CBD. These are commonly referred to as minor cannabinoids, meaning they are less dominant than the major compounds such as CBD. Although minor cannabinoids may seem small, they can be an enormous determinant for reaching your wellness goals effectively when used correctly.

What is Full Spectrum CBD?

Full-spectrum CBD refers to a type of plant extract that contains the entire number of various compounds found naturally. It contains all the plant terpenes and other phytocannabinoids that are found in hemp, Cannabis Sativa L.

Recent studies show that full spectrum CBD may be more effective than many other forms of cannabinoids extracted from hemp plants stating, “Whole plant complexity, minor cannabinoids of importance, and a variable terpenoid profile may all contribute to beneficial entourage effect of hemp”. (1)

Where Does it Come From and How is it Used?

Full-spectrum CBD comes from hemp plants. The plants are harvested and after a proper drying time has occurred then the leaves and flowers are processed resulting in an extract.

The use of full-spectrum CBD is not just limited to one condition. It is used for many different wellness goals that can vary greatly due to the Endocannabinoid System being so diverse and complex.

What is Broad Spectrum CBD?

Broad-spectrum CBD refers to a form of CBD that has all of the plant compounds except it has had THC removed to a point where it is not traceable by tests. This is commonly referred to as remediation and is one more added step in the processing journey requiring more skill, resources, and handling than full spectrum CBD.

Broad-spectrum CBD still contains a variety of other cannabinoids that may not be found in CBD isolate products.

How is Broad Spectrum Different than Full Spectrum CBD and Why Would You Choose it?

Broad-spectrum CBD does not have THC in the product at traceable amounts. This makes it a great alternative for those who want to avoid certain side effects that come with the use of full-spectrum CBD.

It may be your go-to choice if you have a concern that CBD products may create intoxication and would still like the closest natural ratio of plant cannabinoids and terpenes in the final product.

Why Choose Full Spectrum CBD vs Broad Spectrum CBD?

Full Spectrum CBD includes all the other components that are present in the hemp plant, which broad-spectrum CBD does not. In some cases, users report finding greater relief with minor amounts of THC with CBD.

Many users trust that nature has the best ratio of phytocannabinoids, like CBD and THC, compared with mixing different compounds to create ratios not found naturally. Also, broad-spectrum CBD products must go through extra processing to remove THC known as remediation, which adds another aspect of alteration.

What is CBD Isolate?

CBD isolate is a purified form of CBD. To create CBD isolate, the plant’s other cannabinoids and terpenes are removed. CBD isolate is pure cannabidiol, with a bioavailability that some people prefer for its ease of use and therapeutic benefits.

CBD isolate is not intoxicating, since it has no THC, making it safer than other forms of cannabis. Therefore, a hemp CBD oil or CBD tincture made from CBD isolate would not show up on a drug test.

CBD Isolate Benefits

The main benefit of using CBD Isolate is for users that cannot fail a drug test or are very concerned about any intoxicating effects. In these cases, CBD Isolate is the right choice to optimize your wellness routine.

Benefits of Full Spectrum CBD Over Broad Spectrum and Isolate

Full-spectrum CBD includes all of the plant’s cannabinoids and terpenes, which are found in hemp flowers. On the other hand, CBD isolate is just one isolated compound found in hemp and cannabis.

According to one study, there was a higher number of patients reporting improvement after using CBD-rich cannabis extracts than those treated with purified CBD. (2)

Broad-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate are not the same as full-spectrum CBD. They are missing important elements of the plant. Some of these components are cannabinoids and terpenes.

Cannabinoids act as lipid neurotransmitters helping to create a better quality of life through homeostasis of the endocannabinoid system. Terpenes also play a vital role in affecting our bodies including boosting moods as well as bringing tasteful essence to the products with their distinctive taste and smell.

Which Type of Cannabinoid Product Should You Buy for Your Needs?

THC and CBD are the two most common cannabinoids. At this point, it should be clear which type of CBD you would need based on your desired goals.

  • Full Spectrum CBD is best for the full entourage effect on the endocannabinoid system.
  • Broad Spectrum CBD is best when you would like the entourage effect as much as possible without THC.
  • CBD Isolate is best when you are looking to supplement exclusively CBD into your routine

In addition, when choosing a product that is full-spectrum or broad-spectrum. One must consider the prominent minor cannabinoids and what their effects will have in relation to their goals. According to a study in 2011, it has been known for some time that CBG and CBC are mildly antifungal. (3)

Since then we have discovered even more from the user experience. Most users report CBG has an uplifting effect, CBC has a calming effect, and CBN has a sedating effect when combined with CBD. Also, users have reported severe nausea when overconsuming too much CBN so remember to take it slow.

Whatever the reason for using CBD, there are many different product types available on the market and each type has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Feel free to contact our team of experts for more assistance in choosing the right product for you.

In Conclusion

Regardless of the type of product you purchase, CBD can help to maintain a better quality of life. With all types of CBD used, users found secondary health benefits beyond their primary reason for use.

CBD has been gaining popularity in the U.S. over the last 10 years. With the legalization of hemp and marijuana in some states, more people are learning about CBD and its benefits. CBD can be beneficial for relieving a number of things but it can also cause some people to feel too tired after using it.

*This CBD information is not meant to diagnose or recommend treatment for any disease or medical condition. Always seek the advice of your physician, nurse practitioner, health educator, pharmacist, or other qualified health professionals before starting a new therapy.


  1. Komarnytsky S, Rathinasabapathy T, Wagner C, et al. Endocannabinoid System and Its Regulation by Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Full Spectrum Hemp Oils. Int J Mol Sci. 2021;22(11):5479. doi:10.3390/ijms22115479
  2. Pamplona FA, da Silva LR, Coan AC. Potential Clinical Benefits of CBD-Rich Cannabis Extracts Over Purified CBD in Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy: Observational Data Meta-analysis. Front Neurol. 2018;9:759. doi:10.3389/fneur.2018.00759
  3. Russo EB. Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects. Br J Pharmacol. 2011;163(7):1344-1364. doi:10.1111/j.1476-5381.2011.01238.x

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